Do it, NOW!

This quote in Someday is today by Matthew Dicks resonates so much with me:

"One of the primary stumbling blocks for most of the creative and entrepreneurial people I meet is the inability to actually launch their endeavor. Rather than saying yes and leaping into the abyss, people wait, calculate, ponder, and prepare. There is always a better time. The right time. Conditions that must be met in order to achieve the perfect time. They also tend to cling to their original vision, unable to see divergent paths and new opportunities. They have dreamed of a single thing for a long time, and as a result, they cannot reconfigure, reimagine, or pivot to something new. They can’t say yes to a new possibility because they remain locked on their original dream. But instead of waiting, you must say yes. You must launch, regardless of your state of preparation or accumulation of resources. Perfection is insidious. The desire for perfection is nothing more than fear masquerading as something else. You must remain nimble, open-minded, and adaptable. You must embrace imperfection, confusion, and evolution." - Matthew Dics in 'Someday is today'

Indeed, there are many times that I want to do something, and yet, I think 'I will do it later'. And then it never happens. I am trying to follow the rule 'do what I want, NOW!', and so far it has been great: I am more motivated, I have more energy, I am achieving more.

Sometimes it is not so easy, for example, I want to write a blog post every day (that is my goal), but there are days when I just do not want to do it. What I do to overcome this conflict is to motivate myself, i.e., I convince myself that I want to do it. Sometimes I achieve this by telling myself "oh, just write a couple of lines, that is fine, even if it is terrible, it is ok, you just need to post something" or maybe "just get one of your drafts and polish it". And then I sit down, I start writing and I get hooked, or maybe not, but in any case, I did what I wanted to do. 

Also, the more the task I want to do seems important, the more I feel I need preparation. It feels heavy and serious. So in the end, I am stuck in preparations rather than in actions. 

There is so much meat in this quote! What Dicks says about being 'locked on the original dream' - on the original vision - has happened to me so many times. I had to be hit hard to finally realize "well, why not take the alternative path? It looks like there is no path here where I thought there would be one."