Be yourself, relax

 "Tension is who you think you should be, relaxation is who you are" - Chinese proverb


I love this proverb. I remember this period of my life when I was trying to be someone else just to fit my mental image of what it meant to me to be "a good researcher". Of course, what does it mean to be a good researcher? It is easy to set up unrealistic standards like: 

1. She has to know everything about the field.

2. She has knowledge about all the previous courses taken during her studies and is able to explain them on demand.

3. She never makes mistakes.

They may look ridiculous, but, if unexamined, we may harbor ridiculous standards and beliefs. If you feel that you are not good enough, ask yourself "what do I need to feel good enough?" If what you find is a ridiculous list like the one above, then you start to understand the root of the problem. If what you think you need is to achieve something (like getting a PhD or your first paper), I can guarantee that once you achieve that, it will not be enough, you will need to achieve something more. 

Remember the proverb.