Using willpower (3) - the initial barrier

It is quite common to find an initial barrier every time that we want to start an activity: when we wake up in the morning and we feel lazy to prepare ourselves for running, when we arrive at the office and we have to start working, when we sit to reply to emails and we see a long list awaiting us, when it is cold and we have to change into our pajamas,...

I do not know the psychology of it, but I have observed that this initial barrier is quite common. The issue is that we may think "I want to do X, but maybe not now, now I do not feel like starting" - substitute X for whatever you want: running, baking, reading a book, writing a book, going for a walk, calling that friend,.... It is not that you do not want to do it, it is just that there is an initial resistance. Use a little willpower to overcome it, or even better, just ignore the inner voice that moans "Oh, now!? Really!? Why not better another time?" Know that this moaning is just trying to prevent you from starting: once you start, you immerse yourself in the activity, and the voice disappears.