Writing into the dark

I read recently a book about discovery writing by Dean Wesley Smith, "Writing into the dark". I am going to give it a go since plotting fiction has not really worked for me (even though I finished a first draft of a novel).

In any case, it is very interesting the idea of writing without planning ahead. Scientific writing is completely the opposite. I used to do discovery writing as a child to write short stories, but high school destroyed that. At that time to pass the selection exam, we were taught to plan ahead every type of text. We were even requested to write the skeleton of the text (paragraph by paragraph) and include it as part of the evaluation. The structure of the texts that we were asked to write was very rigid. And writing maths has not helped in this aspect. When I try to write creatively I find it difficult because I feel like I have put a corset on my mind, motion is restricted, creativity is restricted. I think that my "critical voice", as Smith says, is on fire all the time. In opposition, my "creative voice" talks in whispers. I long to hear that voice again.