Coaching (1): taking notes in class

Today was the first coaching session (with 3 interested people out of around 25). One student shared that during the theoretical class, he was copying everything written on the blackboard and had no time to follow what the teacher was saying.

I did this too. Many people do this too. But unless you have no other resource (like no lecture notes or no books), this is a very ineffective way of making the most of the theoretical class. You will learn little, understand not much, and be unmotivated. And then you need to spend a lot of time at home assimilating your transcribed notes.

If you have lecture notes the best is to prepare the theoretical class by:

(1) Revising the content of previous classes;

(2) Reading in the lecture notes what is coming in the next class. Try to understand as much as possible, and make note of your questions or any unclear points.

Then in class do not copy the blackboard. Copy only when new material, information, or examples are given that are not on the lecture notes. Sit there, listen, and try to understand as much as possible. See if your questions are answered during the explanation. Try always to be active and not passive.

Even if you only devote 15 minutes to reading the lecture notes ahead of the class, it already gives huge benefits.