Coaching (4): my experience of starting university
It was 2004 when I started mathematics at University. In 2004 studies were not divided between Bachelor and Master. It was just one degree and it lasted 5 years. It is my understanding that that was pretty much the case in every European country, and things changed with the "Bologna plan". So, back in the day, in Spain, to become a mathematician, one had to study for 5 years, from which 3 years and a half were filled with compulsory subjects. Now, of course, things are very different in the study plans. But some things do not change: the transition from high school to university was tough. Very tough. And we had to pass all the subjects of the first year (a total of 8) to be allowed to go into the second year (and you had to pay for every course that you registered to, and you could not de-register - you were given a fail -, and every time you had to repeat that subject, it became more expensive). Exams were written, at the end of each semester, and they had a fixed date. S...